The Geekiary: Howling For HowlerCon


Those Teen Wolf fans on the east that have been prevented from attending previous events (like BiteCon) finally have their chance at Howler Con. Howler Con a New Jersey based fan convention that will be held November 14-16th, 2014 at The Hilton Newark Airport. It is a joint collaboration between Fandom, Give Back! and Tyler Hoechlin Online.

The Indigogo launched yesterday and it has already hit it’s goal! Clearly this is something people want and don’t worry you can still buy exclusive packages even though they have hit their goal. Contributions range from $5 to $1000 and offer a variety of perks including ticket packages, t-shirts and DVD’s. In fact fans were so excited for this convention they crashed the Indigogo! Howler Con is happening and if this enthusiasm continues it promises to be an awesome fan event.

Check out more details about Howler Con at their WebsiteTumblrFacebook or Twitter. And donate to their Indigogo here.

Posted by  On May 06, 2014